Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Physical Therapy Can Help You with Vestibular Disorders

The vestibular system is involved with controlling balance and eye movements. However, if disease or injury damages the vestibular system, vestibular disorders occur.

Common Symptoms
A lot of adults living with vestibular disorders often go undiagnosed and remain untreated, resulting in a diminished quality of life. People who suffer from vestibular disorders experience:

·         Lightheadedness or dizziness
·         Positional or persistent vertigo
·         Nausea
·         Impaired postural control

The main symptoms of vestibular disorders are vertigo, dizziness and lightheadedness. This leads to physical, emotional and cognitive consequences. The physical complications that people suffer from are often addressed by a physician. However, the mental and emotional consequences that patients go through have only recently become a hot topic of discussion.

About 50% patients suffering from vestibular disorder, find themselves battling with some form of psychological illnesses such as depression and anxiety.

Vestibular disorder can be treated with vestibular rehabilitation therapy, which can help alleviate both primary and secondary problems caused by vestibular disorders. The entire treatment is based on exercises designed to reduce vertigo, dizziness, gaze instability, imbalance and falls. However, for some people the restoration of vestibular order is limited because that damage they have received is permanent and beyond treatment.

If you or your loved one are suffering from vestibular disorder, our certified physician can help.